

I spent nearly all of 2022 working on two versions of an application for Sophonaut. Users take a personality assessment, then receive meaningful personality results which they can use to make lasting improvements to aspects of their lives like work, friendships and relationships.


Climblog goto-page

Climblog is a personal project I started to learn React Native in an applicable way for me. I'm using this app to experiment with Typescript and also learn how to design navigation using my built-up React skills in a new environment. My goal is to have data stored entirely locally and be able to perform calculations for data visualization based on local data.

See the Pen Wikipedia Viewer by Mat Fukano (@marotafuka) on CodePen.

A responsive Wikipedia viewer; uses API integration from MediaWiki and utilizes mobile Wikipedia links where appropriate. A good study in API calls and DRY code.

This one is pretty self explanatory. My personal site lets me experiment with different ways to do things, and a lot of what I've learned here (clickable contexts for jQuery, box-model details, active classes, and hand-coding Bootstrap-like functionality) is applicable to future works.

Open Source

Noding Bat is an open source extension of Coding Bat. It aims to provide beginner programmers with basic JavaScript mechanics.

School Projects

Just the Tip is a tip payment app for Android. Local shared Venmo payments with QR code scanning.

Credit for icons is due to various sources.


Credit for icons is due to various sources.



Hi there

Since you're on this page at all, and also actively decided to read about the page author, thanks for taking the time to read about me!

My name is Mat and I like to make things and solve problems. Here are a few things in life that are important to me:


I love to learn, especially when it comes to new technology. Currently I'm focused on:

  • Full-stack testing best practices
  • Re-learning Ruby on Rails


I believe resource management is one of the worst issues we face today. There's an unfathomable amount of waste in the world and at large and small levels, we must strive to be better. Even if it's a relatively small impact, I do my best to make sustainable choices every day.


My second love in life is music. I played a variety of instruments in the past and was previously deeply passionate about group music-making.

I developed an interest in electronic music at university. Ableton is probably the single most-used piece of software on my computer. I love the freedom to draft and create ideas, and allow people to enjoy my creations.


Part of my enjoyment of making things manifests itself as cooking — I'm a bit of a neurotic perfectionist in this regard. I may make the best french fries I've ever had, and I've had a lot of french fries.


Problem-solving often manifests as rock-climbing for me! It's an awesome way to use your brain and your body to tackle complex problems. Currently I'm working to send every 5.12a on toprope and V5 on boulder.


You'll often find me spending quality time with my weird mutt, Kurogoma.

Credit for icons is due to various sources.


I'm starting the search for work once again!

I have a year's experience in a small, rapid-iteration startup space doing mostly front-end work with React, but also configuring Next.js on a serverless AWS stack.

I have 5 years of experience in technical solutions / integration engineering roles and have experience working with technical points-of-contact at strategic partner companies.

I have some experience in leadership roles and working with international teams on a 24-hour cycle.

Feel free to get in touch if the above sounds useful and relevant to you.

Credit for icons is due to various sources.